( Ibiza )

Women Edition

8 – 13 Oct

/ Agua Madera, Ibiza

Join our Journey

FEMININE ( rooted in ) WISDOM

A week-long immersive journey

Join our Journey

Together we will remember what we are made of and why we are here.

A deeply immersive experience connecting to the wisdom of nature’s elements. Right between the earth and sky we meet the medicine of our body and begin to listen to the voice of our hearts. 

Tending to and growing deep roots of what it means to be a woman: We celebrate, we dance, we practice, we swim in the sea, we use our voice, we rest under the stars by warm fires and unite in sisterhood and prayer.

( Camera roll )

( The ) Calling

  • We have a great responsibility here on this planet as women, as the mothers of humanity, as sisters, friends, partners, grandmothers and wisdom keepers of the earth.

  • We are called to soften, to embrace, to love, to rise, to spark, to nurture, to forgive and to make whole.

  • May this work benefit all our relations.

( The ) Experience

8 – 13 Oct

/ Agua Madera, Ibiza

“Don’t be fooled by my beauty – the light of my face comes from the candle of my spirit.” – Rumi

In October we will gather on the magical island of Ibiza to embrace our wild feminine, taking the journey from our heads into our hearts.

Together we will create an expansive field to find balance within. 

We shed light on hidden patterns, limiting beliefs, and past wounds, to create a space where you can release and meet your authentic feminine power. 

Embodied practices and simple tools will ground us in inner stability in order that we may rise into vulnerability, sensuality, pleasure, love and creative energy.

Gathering as women is a beautiful step into complete self acceptance and inspiration. A life long, intimate journey into self.

( What You ) Will Learn

NO. O1

( Earth Ground + Centre )

We will explore the practices of grounding, internal listening and moving with presence.

  • Morning Sadhana
  • Tea Meditation
  • Nervous-system & Fascial Work
NO. O2

( Water Feel + Release )

We will explore the practices of emotional release, shadow and inner-child work to open our raw & authentic expression.

  • Release Sexual & Body Shame 
  • Mirror Play
  • Womb Clearing & Creative Expression
NO. O3

( Fire Spark + Activate )

We will explore the practices of liberating and claiming our sexual power, pleasure, aliveness. 

  • Tantric Practices 
  • Deep Sensual Reconnection
  • Healing Masculine & Feminine Dynamics 
NO. O4

( Air Spirit + Love )

We will explore the practices of deepening connection with spirit, and open creative channels.

  • Ritual Practices
  • The Natural Beauty Way I Honoring a woman’s cycles
  • Sacred Theatre 

La Luna ( What's included ) Package

Five nights and six days at the incredible Boutique Hotel Farmhouse, Agua Madera Ibiza.

Daily farm to table meals, snacks and drinks lovingly prepared by our expert chef to support your body and mind at specific stages of the retreat. Our menu is created from local farm and seasonal produce. 

A fully curated schedule of workshops and teachings, ceremonies and rituals delivered by leading experts with space for rest, integration and connection. Download schedule here.

Opportunity for 1:1 support and conversations with guest teachers who are available throughout the week to guide you.  

A La Luna curated welcome gift bag with our special journal, and surprises. 

Integration Call and Journal

A private photo and video album captured by our professional photographer and film makers. 

Body work + Private Healing Sessions (Optional Extra)

Join our journey

( Welcome to the magic of )


8 – 13 Oct

/ Agua Madera

Aguamadera, is an Agroturism based in Ibiza, that embraces respect, silence, privacy and creative pursuits.

A secluded hideaway home where nature, food, art and beauty meet.

Travel to / Airport Ibiza

/ Starting at 3.500€


( <i>Private Suite</i> )

( Private Suite )

Private Suite & Bathroom


( <i>Shared Room</i> )

( Shared Room )

Double Occupancy and Private Bathroom
(2 single beds / room)

3,500€ / PER PERSON

( <i>Retreat without Accommodation</i> )

( Retreat without Accommodation )

Retreat Pass for Locals or people who have their own Accommodation

1,800€ / PER PERSON

Join the journey


What makes the Luna Journey so special?

La Luna is led by Miriam Adler and a collective of teachers, artists, practitioners and spiritual guides. We collaborate to create a balance in our offering so you have the opportunity to find the balance in yourself.

We gather in this way so that our passion can ignite a flame in you, so that our tools can become solid anchors for your life. We believe that we evolve in community, when we come together and share from the heart.

We don’t teach any spiritual dogma, we share our life experiences and together explore the most meaningful questions to uncover our truth.

It is a space of honesty, realness and mutual encouragement to support each other on the path of expansion.

Are all the Luna Journeys the same?

All the Luna Journeys carry the same essence and are led by Miriam.

Each retreat is grounded in the La Luna principles of meeting the core of who we are, honoring that truth, and being able to authentically share it.

Yet none of our journeys are ever the same.
Each retreat has its own unique programming,and different guest teachers.
Our journeys are a constant creative evolution.

Why is it beneficial for me to only gather with women?

To heal your relationship within the feminine inside a feminine container is potent. It is the perfect environment to learn to trust other women, to let go of learned behaviors such as judgment and comparison and an opportunity to feel safe and grounded support of a new sisterhood.

I see a lot of naked pictures. Is nudity part of the retreat?

Absolutely not, there are no times you will be asked to be naked. We have however observed over and over again women slowly stripping off old layers throughout the journey which somehow in the physical is represented by becoming more barre skinned, less makeup, less jewelry and embracing their natural essence!
We have had many women share that they had never been naked swimming in their life, how they arrived ashamed of their bodies, and one of the most powerful moments for them was finally letting go of that shame and being bare-skinned in a safe place.

Is your retreat focused on sexuality?

Conscious sexuality is a potent component of our retreats. Everything we offer is always an invitation and never a prerequisite, and everyone is encouraged to explore on their own terms.
To have the chance to learn more about our body, and how to invite more pleasure into our lives is a valuable gift we can offer ourselves as women. So often there are many misunderstandings on the subject, and we carry so much shame around our sexuality.
Our intention is for you to free yourself, expand your capacity for pleasure and claim your sensual aliveness!

Do I have to be experienced to participate?

The beauty of La Luna is that it meets you wherever you are in your journey.
Whether you are totally new and want to dive in, or on a long term path and are longing to drop deeper and refresh your practice.
The wisdom of each woman and her unique path is what makes the journey magic.

What is the sign-up process?

If you have further questions please email: [email protected]
If you are feeling ready to take the step to apply for joining this journey please fill in our application form and pay an application fee of $98. (The application fee is not refundable.)
The fee holds your space and covers a private interview and intention setting call with Miriam, we want to make sure our space is the right space for you and to prepare you for the retreat and for you to be able to ask any further questions.
Once you are confirmed, we will follow up with the full invoice package, all logistical details and our suggested packing list. We ask you to pay your invoice within 24-hours as we usually have a lot of demand but only limited spaces.

( What ) People Say

  • Rachel

    ( I was able to face my fears )

    “I was able to sit with and face my fears in my week with you and the beautiful women with us.
    I was able to be myself, be seen, let go, dance, laugh, share.
    The practices were perfect for me on my journey. Miriam, you are so deeply gifted in holding space for women, helping them to let go and providing love and care to let them grow, heal, be playful, explore.

    I now feel and see the flow of abundance in my life daily. And I celebrate it. I am joyful. I am open. I am able to let go more… The fears definitely still pop up but they aren’t gripping like before. I am fighting them less.

    My husband says I am more open to being loved since I have come home. More open to my playful, sensual, restful self.

    Thank you so much.”

  • Sara

    ( I no longer judge my body )

    “For me, what has shifted the most is my relationship to myself and my body. I no longer feel shame or judgment toward my physical body and in return I no longer feel such a need to put things that are bad inside of it. That has been such a beautiful and profound shift. Integrating a daily meditation and writing practice has been so key here.

    Spending a week away from daily life and distractions helped me so much with presence and connection to the other women. It allowed me to embrace the fullness of who I really am.”

  • Carola

    ( The retreat marked a new beginning )

    “The La Luna Initiation was an important threshold in my journey. My life before was dull. I was feeling sad, angry, life wasn’t interesting any longer to me. I had lost my curiosity and serenity. The retreat marked the beginning of a self-exploration journey. A journey to discover my inner self, my true nature. Almost one year has passed and my life has radically changed. I am no longer in a relationship that didn’t satisfy me and made me feel unappreciated as a woman but didn’t have the courage to change the situation because of habits and conditioning. I am traveling and exploring the world with different lenses. I embarked on different spiritual experiences and ceremonies to keep rising and evolving. I am celebrating life every moment.”

  • Marina

    ( I claimed my power )

    “Each one of us showed up with an open heart and courage to work through our darkness and surrender with vulnerability in order to step into our light and claim our power as powerful women. The various rituals and practices created space for expansion and transmutation of what no longer serves us.

    As I said in the final closing sharing circle, I walked into this journey with a lot of deep fear and hurt and a difficulty to receive and be held. I emerged as a strong woman who claimed her power and is walking in her light. I will forever cherish this experience and the connections we created. I am excited to plant the seeds given to us this week and see what the road ahead holds.”

  • Gabriela

    ( no longer live with structure, I live with practice )

    “I can’t even begin to tell you all of the things that have happened since the retreat! Everything from instant manifestations of very large things to life-changing psychic facials to completely changing the way I live. I’m only doing whatever the fuck I want. It feels so good. I no longer live with structure. I live with practice. I no longer do what I should. I do what I want. My self-care game is on fire.

    One of the biggest realizations I have had over the last few weeks was around how I relate to women. My desire to be around women hasn’t been top of the list since I lived in all girls housing at boarding school. Generally speaking, I have related better to men than women. The retreat was so great for me in terms of the never-ending conversations, straight heart-to-heart shares within minutes of meeting, and the relatability. It was so lovely to just BE with you all.”

  • Anonymous

    ( You taught me how to feel again )

    “La Luna Retreat is the FIRST retreat that really changed me and moved something inside me. Since I am not used to feeling love, it put me outside my comfort zone and sometimes (very often) in uncomfortable situations. Since leaving, something feels different inside me. I don’t know exactly how or why it happened. Everyone at the retreat helped me A LOT in changing my perspective in life. Now I choose to “choose” love instead of hate, fear and anger.

    I’m going through a process and I like it because I’m feeling way better. By being grateful and choosing love, I am able to see the light that life gifts us every day. I want to thank you for that. Thank you for all the work you are doing and the love you taught us. You taught me to feel again.”

  • Jessica

    ( I learned the power of slowing down and listening )

    “This week changed my life. I was reconnected back to myself after disconnecting without even realizing to what extent. I entered feeling dull and uninspired by myself and certain areas in my life. We pushed ourselves deeply to connect with our truth and unravel the stories that we tell ourselves.

    My experience was one of depth and connection with myself and the beautiful inspiring women I was surrounded and supported by. I had the deepest internal shift and can now see and appreciate the subtleties and simplicity that I have been graced with in my life.

    I learned discipline and structure to maintain a healthy mind. I learned the power of women and myself as well as the power of slowing down and listening. This week was pure magic -- a reminder of how to live my life deeply and fully.”

  • Joana

    ( I arrived with feelings of betrayal and left knowing my worth )

    “Through gathering and retreating together with 32 women from different countries, I was able to freely express my authenticity by feeling embraced and deeply connected with my La Luna tribe during one week at the Sian Kaan Biosphere and Reserve.

    Through sunrise tea ceremonies, fireside chanting, clay and honey masques, sea water swims , night circles and sacred spaces we worked with our feminine essence. I learned the importance of slowing down, reflecting, writing, sharing, laughing, crying, embracing my emotions, and healing together with my fellow La Luna sisters.

    I found pieces of myself in the life stories of courageous women either through tears, words, or laughter. During the week-long journey, many emotional layers of sadness, grief and shame were shed in order to heal. Together we meditated, reflected, learned tools to forgive, to express ourselves, to create and recreate. To transform and blossom.

    I arrived with a silenced voice and feelings of betrayal. I left Sian Kaan knowing and believing in my sacred feminine, my worth, my essence, my magic and my life purpose: I will tell and embrace my truth and inner voice always.”

Past Luna Edition EXPERIENCE