( about ) La Luna

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About La Luna
( about ) Retreats

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About Retreats
( about ) Family

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( about ) You

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About You

( about ) La Luna

La Luna creates transformational journeys rooted in experiential knowledge, ancient practice, and intuitive wisdom that exists within us all so that we may live authentically, rest confidently in our truth, and discover deeper layers of our being.

La Luna has grown organically since we started with our very first women’s retreat in Mexico in 2019. Since then we have witnessed the power of gathering in this way over and over again, observing hundreds of participants find clarity, the courage to take major life changes, and the small shifts that are still rippling out years later in their lives.

These transformations are what sparks our fire, and we are thankful to be able to extend our offering out to more and more humans each year. We now offer five or more retreats a year.

Together we Rise!

( about ) Retreats

( We have different retreats throughout the year )

Each retreat is grounded in the La Luna principles of nature, meeting the core of who we are, honoring that truth, and being able to authentically share it. Every retreat is unique in it’s programming so guests can come each year and experience something new and profound, and continue to deepen their practice.

NO. O1

( Signature Women)

Tending to and growing deep roots of what it means to be a woman: Together we will remember what we are made of and why we are here.
NO. O2

( Love )

An immersive journey into Conscious Relating for Men & Women: We gather to celebrate love, the play between masculine and feminine.
NO. O3

( Mother & Daughter )

For Mothers and Daughters who are looking to deepen their bond, and to heal and clear their feminine lineage together.

( next ) Retreats

/ Ibiza
8 – 13 OCT
/ Ibiza
Mother & Daughter

Read Testimonials

( about ) Family

We collaborate to create a balance in our offering so you have the opportunity to find the balance in yourself. From embodiment practices, to group constellation processes, to breathwork, to tantric practices, to ancient rituals like temazcal, our intention is to engage your cognitive, limbic and primal system in equal measure to facilitate liberation grounded in love.

Our family of facilitators arrives on each retreat to offer up all their years of experience and be the guardians of the expansive field we are creating together.

( Miriam )

Miriam is the founder of La Luna: a facilitator of women’s work, breathwork, sexual empowerment and relational intimacy. She has extensive training and experience in breathwork, somatic embodiment, trauma therapy, kundalini yoga, psychology and constellation work. 

Her mission is to create safe spaces for transformation while supporting people in moving through their fears and reconnecting with the core of who they are, in order to flourish their intimate relationship with self and others. 

I grew up in an academic German household. Breaking the linear path and exploring who I am, and what is true for me took me years of work and courage.

Rediscovering the relationship to my feminine and what womanhood means for me, has been a winding road. Being raised by a feminist mother, who never allowed herself to break and by a father who strives for perfection, I had no idea of how to relate to my feelings. Unlocking the most tender and vulnerable part of me meant facing my biggest fear.

Having worked as an international model in the aggressive fashion industry in my 20’s left me feeling insecure, and totally disconnected from my body. It meant that I had to work through my disordered eating, face the loneliness that I was feeling, and learn to love myself from the inside out.

Being in a healthy relationship, first with myself, my partner and my family, meant facing some incredibly painful heartbreaks, saying some hard goodbyes, learning to take responsibility, owning some “ugly” parts of myself, and believing in my worthiness. (Obviously this is an ongoing process.)

I spent the last 10 years of my life vigorously working through these different parts of myself, multiple ceremonies, lot’s of training, plenty of hours of despair, a lot of practice, love and devotion towards myself, that now has become the foundation of my work.

So as I sit here, I’m dedicating my work to myself, to all my relations and to you!

( about ) Community

Community formed on retreat

( We get connected and stay connected )

Community that extends & connects every person who has joined us along the way.

Groups of people around the world will meet when in the same city and support each other in carrying the La Luna principles back into their daily lives. Today we are around 300 humans from Europe to the Middle East, South America to Australia, United States to Japan. Once you come on retreat you are able to stay connected to everyone you had your experience with plus every person who came before you and everyone who will follow.