( To find balance in being )

Our Mission

Our Mission

To create sacred spaces to awaken and balance feminine and masculine. Always deeply respecting individual journeys of transformation, sharing practices and holding space for your innate wisdom to arise and all your relationships to flourish.

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( next ) Retreats

/ Florida
March 20 – 23
/ Florida

( Our ) Invitation

Can you give yourself permission to take a moment for yourself, to soften into our spaces, to let yourself be held, slow down, and live deeply from within your feminine?

Can you learn to create a loving union within yourself? Explore your feminine and masculine to find the beauty in them both. Love yourself into wholeness, so you can enter relationships with grace?

Can you find trust in the group? Be open to healing connections with women and men, learn to communicate truthfully, listen wholeheartedly, and be part of an expansive community?  

Can you sit with pain, move through what’s uncomfortable, meet your fears and face your resistance as the greatest act of self-love and liberation? 

Can you take a moment to honor yourself to be the one to break generational patterns, and wanting to make a difference in this world, and for finding ways to share more love?

( La Luna Immersion )


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About Us

( La Luna )

La Luna offers transformational journeys rooted in experiential knowledge, ancient practices, and  intuitive wisdom that exists within us all. Our journeys empower you to live authentically, uncover deeper layers of your being, and create the meaningful & loving relationships you desire.

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( retreats )

We have different retreats throughout the year. Each retreat is grounded in the La Luna principles of meeting the core of who we are, honoring that truth, and being able to authentically share it.

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( family )

We collaborate to create a balance in our offering so you have the opportunity to find the balance in yourself. From embodiment practices, to group constellation processes, to breathwork, to tantric practices and more.

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Stories of transformation

I now feel and see the flow of abundance in my life

“I now feel and see the flow of abundance in my life daily, and I celebrate it. I am joyful. I am open. I am able to let go more. The fears definitely still pop up, but they aren’t as gripping as before. I am fighting them less. My husband says I am more open to being loved since I have come home, more open to my playful, sensual, restful self.”


I learned the power of women

“This week changed my life. I was reconnected back to myself after disconnecting without even realizing to what extent. I entered feeling dull and uninspired by myself and certain areas in my life. 

I learned discipline and structure to maintain a healthy mind. I learned the power of women and myself as well as the power of slowing down and listening. This week was pure magic – a reminder of how to live my life deeply and fully.”


A lifetime of gratitude

“La Luna offers so much value that it is truly felt. So much work and love have been put together for us women by other amazing women to remind us of what we already knew. To empower us, nurture us, and hold us. To help us walk home. Thank you is not enough. A lifetime of gratitude.”

I confronted my true self

“The amazing facilitators and you beautiful souls who were with us, breathing, crying, laughing, and supporting each other… The work of listening and breathing within myself has been powerful. The family constellation and childhood trauma, as well as sharing these fears and wounds with the group, have been key for me to deeply confront my true self.”


I was finally able to crack my husband open.

“I arrived as a woman who I didn’t like seeing in photos and didn’t like her story. Since I left you, more has changed in my heart and my life than I ever could have imagined, and I’m so unbelievably grateful. I was finally able to crack my husband open, for him to realize, through my shift, the importance of investing himself in this work as well.”


Transformed through doing the work with my partner

“I was profoundly transformed by the partner work, the eye gazing, and the sessions where we connected with the masculine through our partners. Being able to speak my truth and feel it reflected back to me in a space where the energy of love was so pure and generous was profoundly healing.”


I let go of a burden

“Since I left, I feel my body and perspective on the world have changed. I breathe differently, both day and night. Under the tent in front of Es Vedrà, I didn’t just try to let go of my breath; I let go of a burden—a chain that had been binding me for years, both physically and psychologically. It was really tough to face everything and allow so many emotions to come out. But today, with tears of joy in my eyes, I thank you all.”





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